Summer Newsletter 2024

Richmondshire Choral Society   Summer Newsletter 2024


Message from our Chair, Judy Moorhouse

Chair’s Report

It has been another eventful year for Richmondshire Choral Society and one in which committee members and volunteers have gone above and beyond in order that the society continue to function smoothly.

I would like to make special mention of Judith Barber and Merrin Froggett who held the fort so ably during the extended absence of our Secretary, Mary Branigan.

Our musical skills and knowledge were tested by the range of music selected by our conductor, Peter. Vivaldi’s “Gloria” and Mark Harrison’s “Jubilate Natale” were joyous to rehearse and sing in December. I did find learning to sing Verdi’s “Four Sacred Pieces” and John Rutter’s “Feel the Spirit” very challenging. However, when we came to sing them in the May concert, I was delighted at how well the programme was received by the audience. We did sing well. 

We held our first RCS Coffee morning on Saturday 1st June. I am very grateful to all those who made donations and to the volunteers. It was hard work but worth it because we raised £354.00 for choir funds.   

The 2024-25 season saw the end of Peter’s second Three-Year Contract and negotiations on a new contract begun. It did not go as smoothly as any of us would have wished!

There were special meetings convened and every effort made to reach an accommodation with Peter on the terms of the proposed new One Year Contract. Ultimately, Peter informed me of his resignation on Sunday, 28 April and the hunt began for a temporary replacement. That hunt came to a satisfactory conclusion on 20 May when Ben Noble accepted the position of temporary Musical Director for RCS. Ben’s temporary contract will run till 31 December.

Following Peter’s resignation and on behalf of you and the committee, I paid tribute to Peter both at our May concert and at the most enjoyable social evening organised by Judy Weeks. In spite of the short notice, close to £200.00 was collected for Peter. He was presented with half a case of good red wine and there were flowers for Hillary.

Our AGM will be held at 7pm on Monday, 30 September in the Methodist Church and I hope that as many of you as possible are able to attend.

Prior to that meeting we will be emailing you as to whether you wish Ben to become our permanent MD or whether you wish the committee to begin the advertising process for a new MD. We have built in sufficient time for the whole process to take place before the end of Ben’s contract.

One final piece of news. Our previous Chair, excellent soprano and all-round splendid friend Janet Hall, has bequeathed us £500.00.

I look forward to commencing singing with you again on Monday, 2nd September.

Judy Moorhouse OBE: Chair, Richmondshire Choral Society 


Message from our Treasurer, David Barraclough

A View from the Treasury 2024

The Society’s overall financial position might be described as “satisfactory”.  The full accounts will be presented at the AGM in September, but the bottom line is that we made a small surplus in the 2023-2024 financial year (ended on 31st May).  We even made a miniscule surplus on the April concert, but that was entirely due to a generous grant from Mayfest and not to ticket sales, which on the choir’s part were........pathetic.

Gift Aid

We have just received £1,364.16 in Gift Aid repayment for 2023-2024 from HMRC (following £1,124.38 for the previous year).  This is clearly a substantial benefit to the Society, at no cost to the members.  All you need to do to Gift Aid your subscription is pay more in income tax than the amount of your subscription.  If you are in this position, and have not previously done so, please sign up on the form available from Marian at the beginning of the new term.

Not in the same league (raising about £60.00 last year), but still a valuable source of free income to the Society, is this website.  Simply register on the website, name Richmondshire Choral Society as the beneficiary, and then access the online retailer via rather than direct.  A small percentage of the value of your purchase – whether a pizza or a 3-piece suite - will be donated to the Society, at no cost to you.




Did you know that all your online shopping can raise free donations for Richmondshire Choral Society? Sign up to #easyfundraising and weekly food shops, family days out, general online shopping, and more will turn into much-needed donations and support for them. Plus, if you sign up today they could win a £50 donation! Sign up here:


Notwithstanding an overall sound financial position, looking to the coming financial year our running costs are still rising.  As a consequence, the annual subscription will be increased to £120.00, payable in full in September, or in instalments of £60.00 in September and January.

Paying your subs

Online payments are much preferred  –

  Account name: Richmondshire Choral Society

  Sort code: 40-52-40

  Account no: 00016006

Cheques are acceptable, but make sure you make them payable to Richmondshire (not Richmond) Choral Society.

Cash is very much the third option (because of difficulties in paying-in cash in this era of banking deserts).

A Personal Plea – The Society is Looking for My Successor!

I will not be standing for re-election as Hon Treasurer at the AGM.  I have been Treasurer for 11 of the 15 years since I joined the Society and will be 80 in January - so I have decided it is time to draw the line.  However, transition to a new Treasurer is not straightforward, principally because of the need to change the bank mandate and the inordinate amount of time CAF Bank takes to do this.

I would like to think that a “volunteer” will come forward at the AGM to take on the role, initially in a shadow capacity until the admin processes have been completed.

With the systems and processes we have put in place over the years, the role is not as daunting as it may sound.  Most transactions are online, so the requirements for the job come down to basic numeracy and IT skills (as possessed by most 10 year olds these days).  I would be happy to discuss the role in more detail with anyone interested.

Please think seriously about whether you can take on this role, without which the Society cannot function.  I can’t guarantee career progression, but I can offer full training during the transition period.

David Barraclough  Hon Treasurer RCS


Message from your Music Librarian, Mark Harrison

Music for Autumn Term 2024

Our programme for December 2024 will consist of the Faure Requiem and a selection of carols from Carols for Choirs 1 and 2 (often referred to as the 'green book' and the 'orange' book'.) (100 Carols for Choirs, that we used last year, will not be suitable as some of the arrangements are different.) Many of you will have copies of some or all of these; any Novello edition of the Faure should be suitable. Please use the website to indicate your choices to hire or purchase any of the scores. Hire charges are £2 per score. If you wish the librarian to purchase for you, the Faure Novello edition costs £7.50 and the 'Carols for Choirs' £10.50 each. Use the link

 If you are not happy using the website please email me directly at If you are content to hire the scores you do not need to take any action.


Message from our Publicity Officer, Merrin Froggett

RCS Website

While you are visiting the website to order your music do have a look around at updates and meet our Musical Director for this term, Ben Noble.

For our next concert we will be producing some A4 posters in addition to the flyers. During the next term I will put out a list, please sign up if you wish to have A4 size and state where you will display it.


Message from our Secretary, Mary Branigan

Secretary’s Report Summer 2024

2023-24 has been a rather challenging one for me. I feel that I must begin this report by thanking the committee and in particular Merrin Froggett and Judith Barber for all the extra work they have put in until I was able to take up the reins again in April after two major surgeries.

This year it is my intention to stand down from the position of secretary. I would ask all of you to seriously consider stepping up for this role. I intend to stay on the committee so that a new secretary will have the opportunity to shadow and we can make the transition as smooth and simple as possible.

Bookings have now been made for concerts and rehearsals throughout the year and the dates are as follows:

Term Begins Monday 2nd September 2024

Half Term will be Monday 28th October

Rehearsals Resume Monday 4th November

CONCERT DATE Saturday 7th December.2024


Spring Term begins Monday 6th January 2025

Half Term Monday 17th February

Easter Break Monday 21st April

CONCERT DATE Saturday 3rd May 2025


Autumn Term Begins Monday 8th September 2025

Half Term Monday 27th October

CONCERT DATE 6TH December 2025

I look forward to seeing you all at the start of the new term.  Mary Branigan  Secretary RCS


Message from your Social Secretary, Judy Weeks

Social Secretary Report

This year we held our first social evening since COVID struck. Thirty four members attended and it was a perfect opportunity to say farewell to Peter and Hilary. Everyone seemed to enjoy the evening and I hope even more of you will join us next year.

As COVID coordinator I continue to monitor the situation and will put safeguard in place, as before, if ever needed.

The choir has a Facebook page which is a good aid to our advertising. If any of you use Facebook could you search for us as Richmondshire Choral Society and please press like and share. The page has reached over 500 views at times so has its value. There is also a link to it on our website.

As social secretary I am always available to hear ideas about the choir from members in all sections of the choir. This would enable me to share these in committee.

Finally I would like to thank our wonderful team of tea and coffee makers.  

That ten minutes of socialising has been an important part of choir life.

Judy Weeks


Message from your Membership Secretary, Marian Ginnever

We welcomed some new members to our choir in the last year, swelling numbers to 58 in Autumn term but in Spring we were down to 53 singers. We were very sad that Martin Idale, a stalwart in the Bass section, died. He will be greatly missed.

If you know anyone who shows interest in singing please encourage them to come along and try a rehearsal with us, the more the merrier.

Please print the attached forms, if you can, and fill them in to bring to your first rehearsal. The membership form is to check we have up to date details for everyone, the other is permission for using photos of you to enhance our publications and website. I have spare forms ready for anyone who can’t print their own copies.

Looking forward to seeing you all on Monday September 2nd for a 7.30pm start with our exciting new conductor Ben Noble.  It will be helpful if you could arrive early for collection of music and registration with your membership forms.

Remember to bring your mug if you’d like a hot drink in the interval. Many thanks to our tea/coffee makers.

Enjoy the summer.

Best wishes 

Marian  Membership Secretary


This is a link to a list of music events in the next couple of months in the north which may interest you:-

Featured Event

Our next concert on Saturday 7th December. The choir is looking forward to performing under the baton of our new musical director Ben Noble and invite you to join us in a Christmas Concert with a difference. For many people Christmas is as much a time of remembrance as celebration or feasting and we begin with the Faure Requiem which Faure himself described as 'a lullaby of death'. This well known, serene and beautiful work will be followed by Christmas music and carols which sustain the peaceful and contemplative nature of the concert. The wonderful accoustics of St Mary's Church are made for evenings like this.

We look forward to seeing you at St Mary's Church, Richmond.


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Upcoming Events

Monday 28th October
7:30pm - 9:30pm -
Monday 4th November
7:30pm - 9:30pm -
Monday 11th November
7:30pm - 9:30pm -
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