General Data Protection Regulations

Our Privacy Notice, shown below, can be downloaded here.

Richmondshire Choral Society (RCS)
Privacy Notice

The name and contact details of our organisation.
Richmondshire Choral Society c/o 67 Frenchgate, Richmond DL10 7AG telephone: 01748 825106

The name and contact details of our representative.

The contact details of our data protection co-ordinator.

How do we use choir members’ personal data?
To communicate with and provide necessary information, relating to the running of the Society.
Communication will normally be by email unless there is an arrangement made for an alternative method.

The legal basis for using personal data is: the legitimate Interest for all information except for:

  • Your photograph, in printed form, video or on our website,
  • Your name appearing in choir concert programmes, video or on our website,

In these cases, assumed consent is the legal basis governing the retention and use of these items of personal data, which can be freely given or withheld. Please inform the Membership Secretary if you wish to withdraw consent for such use of your image or name.

What are the legitimate interests for using your personal data?

The legitimate interests of Richmondshire Choral Society (RCS) are:

  • To enable RCS to provide a service for the benefit of its members and the local community
  • To administer membership records and allow for the welfare of members
  • To arrange Annual General Meetings, Committee Meetings and Society social events
  • To sing choral music as a choir with organised rehearsals, concerts and venues
  • To organise musical events run by the society e.g. workshops, Come-and-Sing days, Open Rehearsals and joint concerts
  • To provide information on other events or activities which may interest members
  • To give or request help or information on choral, musical or choral society matters
  • To answer questions about choral society matters
  • To raise funds through membership fees, Gift Aid, concerts and other lawful methods

The recipients or categories of recipients of personal data

Richmondshire Choral Society Officers, Committee Members and those approved to work with us in the following way:

  • Full Data – Membership Secretary and Chair
  • Address and contact details – Secretary and Librarian
  • Gift Aid and payment details – Treasurer
  • Email addresses – Musical Director/Conductor
  • Names, photographs and email addresses - Publicity Officer (with consent)
  • Names and contact details of non-member volunteers – Front of House Manager

The retention periods for personal data
For choir members, honorary members and past members a maximum of 5 years from the date of the last submission of their personal data. For members with Gift Aid declarations 7 years in line with HMRC requirements

Your rights and your personal data

You have the right to:

  • View your personal data that we hold, 
  • Know how your personal data is held and for what purpose.

RCS will keep your data securely and inform you promptly should any data breach occur.

RCS will not sell or market your personal data under any circumstances. The Society will not share your personal data with other organisations. 

Your rights to withdraw consent 

  • For having photographs or videos taken, retained or used on the RCS website
  • For having your name published in concert programmes or on the RCS website or social media.
  • If you wish to withdraw consent for Richmondshire Choral Society to hold your personal data and contact details you will be deemed to have resigned from the Society.

Your rights to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority

To lodge a complaint, you can contact:

The Information Commissioners Office,
Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF
Telephone: 0303 123 1113 or email

Details of whether Richmondshire Choral Society is under a statutory or contractual obligation to provide personal data

If you wish us to claim Gift Aid on money that you give to us, our statutory obligation is to provide your personal data to HMRC and to retain that data for 7 years from your last Gift Aid contribution.

Please note that under statutory obligations we are obliged to keep and provide your personal data in certain circumstances such as:

  • when required by HMRC
  • when required by law
  • When required in order to protect members of the public from serious harm.

Personal data about you may also be legally retained as part of an archive

This ensures that older Committee and AGM minutes, attendance sheets, photographs etc. may be retained legally for educational and research reasons. Any personal data RCS holds about you will be strictly limited by the context of these documents. Personal data will be kept and accessed securely in whatever format it is held.



Document Control

Privacy Notice Committee Approval: 16 August 2018
Annual review by 1 September


Featured Event

Our next concert on Saturday 7th December. The choir is looking forward to performing under the baton of our new musical director Ben Noble and invite you to join us in a Christmas Concert with a difference. For many people Christmas is as much a time of remembrance as celebration or feasting and we begin with the Faure Requiem which Faure himself described as 'a lullaby of death'. This well known, serene and beautiful work will be followed by Christmas music and carols which sustain the peaceful and contemplative nature of the concert. The wonderful accoustics of St Mary's Church are made for evenings like this.

We look forward to seeing you at St Mary's Church, Richmond.


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Upcoming Events

Monday 28th October
7:30pm - 9:30pm -
Monday 4th November
7:30pm - 9:30pm -
Monday 11th November
7:30pm - 9:30pm -
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