Forward planning

The committee tries to select the music for our concerts at least one year in advance and it will be listed on this page whilst it is under consideration. Please feel welcome to let any member of the committee know if you have strong opinions for or against any suggested piece of if there is a work that you would like to suggest for the future, especially if it is less wll known. Please take account of any requirements for soloists and instrumental accompaniment when making suggestions. 

Once the music for a future concert has been decided, it will be listed below and publicised more widely when it becomes our Next Concert.

April 2023

Mendelssohn - Elijah



Autumn Term 2023

To be decided












Featured Event

Our next concert is on Saturday 5th April 2025. The choir is looking forward to performing for the second time under the baton of our new musical director Ben Noble. Haydn's The Creation was at the top of Ben's 'wish list' for his first major work with the choir. It hasn't been heard in Richmond since 2016. This masterpiece of the choral-orchestral repertoire is perfomed in collaboration with  instrumentalists drawn mainly from Richmondshire Orchestra and includes soloists from the Northern Ireland Opera.

We look forward to seeing you at St Mary's Church, Richmond.


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Upcoming Events

Monday 17th March
7:30pm - 9:30pm -
Monday 24th March
7:30pm - 9:30pm -
Monday 31st March
7:30pm - 9:30pm -
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